
Joan Bogart Antiques

Joan Bogart Antiques

Victorian Aesthetic  Rosewood Center TableSOLD
Victorian Aesthetic  Rosewood Center TableSOLD
Victorian Aesthetic  Rosewood Center TableSOLD
Victorian Aesthetic  Rosewood Center TableSOLD
Victorian Aesthetic  Rosewood Center TableSOLD
Victorian Aesthetic  Rosewood Center TableSOLD
Victorian Aesthetic  Rosewood Center TableSOLD
Victorian Aesthetic  Rosewood Center TableSOLD

Victorian Aesthetic Rosewood Center TableSOLD

This is a most distinctive Rosewood Victorian table in the Aesthetic Taste, The rosewood is vibrant, & the engraved detail on the top and stretcher is very well done. The table has been French polished over its original finish, with new brass casters,33 1/2inches wide, 27 inches deep, 31 inches tall (Item number: 66)

If you prefer to you can email joanbogart@yahoo.com. Please include product number and name.

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