
Joan Bogart Antiques

Garden Antiques & Patio

Tea Cart  by Molla with Seahorses SOLD
Tea Cart  by Molla with Seahorses SOLD
Tea Cart  by Molla with Seahorses SOLD
Tea Cart  by Molla with Seahorses SOLD

Tea Cart by Molla with Seahorses SOLD

A most desireable wrought iron teacart in the shell and seahorse pattern made by Molla in New York circa 1940.
I have handled many sets in this pattern, but have never seen a teacart before. This wonderful pattern was used as the patio furnishings for the Breakers Hotel in Palm Beach. approx 34 by 34 (Item number: 1209)

If you prefer to you can email joanbogart@yahoo.com. Please include product number and name.

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